Thi Qar University Second International Medical Conference (TUIMC)

Under the patronage of his excellency professor Naeem Al Uboody minister of higher education & scientific research & the supervision of professor Yehya Abdul Redha Al Khafajy president of Thi Qar university, & the presidency of professor Wajdy Jabbar Majed; dean of college of medicine, we announce our second international conference under the title: ” Scientific research is our way to protect our society & future generations from health catastrophes” Which is assumed to be held on the 4th & 5th of December 2024, on the halls of college of medicine/ Thi-Qar/Nassiryia :The conference will discuss scientific updates in the following subjects :Sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, maternal & reproductive health, with the participation of researchers from the following branches

Obstetrics & Gynecology-


Dermatology & venereology-

 For registration & article submission which will be published later, you can use the following  link

The deadline for article submission will be the 1st of October/2024, & the results of acceptance will be announced on the 1st week of November :Article submission should be on EDAS program, on the

following link

Asking all mighty Allah all the success to our conference & wishing a wide scale of participation from our colleagues

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